Step 2: Purpose of Bridge Inspection
Bridge inspection is a vital part of bridge management. The main
objective of the bridge inspection is to establish the condition of bridges in
terms of safety and serviceablility for use by general traffic for further
details, Refer
for Inspection and Maintenance of Bridges Volume-1, Part -2, Bridge Inspection
Manual Page 27.
1.1 Aims
Bridge inspection forms an essential part of the process of bridge management, the objectives of which are to maintain the existing bridge stock in safe and serviceable condition and to plan and undertake maintenance and replacement work. Bridge inspections therefore need:-
- To provide assurance that the bridge is structurally safe and fit for its intended use.
- To record systematically and periodically the condition of the structure.
- Monitor any change of condition with time, thus providing early warning of problems.
- To provide information from which maintenance repairs, strengthening or replacement work can be identified and planned.
- To provide a basis upon which to estimate the level of funding for maintenance work on bridges.
- To provide feedback to designers and bridge owners on those features which are likely to give maintenance problems, in order to prevent the continuation of design faults in new bridges.
1.2 Requirements
In order to satisfy these aims the following requirements must be met:-
- The inspections must be carried out regularly and in a thorough, systematic and consistent manner.
- The results of the inspections must be reported in a systematic way.
- The results of the inspections must be communicated effectively to the Maintenance Divisions so that appropriate remedial work can be planned and undertaken.