Interactive Bridge Toolkit
Step 2: Public Consultations and Disclosure
Upon approval of the TOR, a 15 days public notice shall
be published in a national daily for consultation and collection of reactions,
suggestions and comments from the project area stakeholders/local people for
the purpose of IEE preparation. A copy
of public notice shall be displayed in the office notice board of concerned
VDC, DDC, Municipality, local schools, hospitals, health posts, public places
and other relevant concerned offices. The deed of public enquiry (Muchulka) of
that deed shall be prepared. The Public Notice, Muchulkas, list of persons contacted/issues raised, and recommendation letters
from the concerned VDCs/Municipality shall be kept in the IEE report refer ▬►EPR Rule 7 ▬►ESMF Ch.-2, ToR for EA
Study: Publish Public Notice, ▬►DOR Policy Document, Environmental Assessment in the Road Sector-2000,▬►ESMF, Ch.-5: Public
Consultation Framework.