Step 4: Agreement

At the time of agreement the Engineer consults with each Party in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement cannot be reached, the Engineer makes a fair determination (Sub-Clause 3.5) in accordance with the Contract and all other relevant circumstances. If determination is not being accepted or not being agreed upon and notified within 28days, both parties could go for Claims, Disputes and Arbitration, for details refer▬►Sub-Clause 3.5 Determinations, ▬►Sub-Clause 20: Claims, Disputes and Arbitration, refer▬►Example case of Sunkoshi Bridge value engineering case at the time of design modification
[short note: design modification was agreed by the Employer with the Contractor’s offer of (a) nullifying all claims up to that time,(b) CPA was frozen to end of Dec. 2012 (c) bridge to be completed by end of June, 2014. These three items were the trade-off]