Step 4: Agreement
At the time of agreement the Engineer consults with each Party in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement cannot be reached, the Engineer makes a fair determination (Sub-Clause 3.5) in accordance with the Contract and all other relevant circumstances. If determination is not being accepted or not being agreed upon and notified within 28days, both parties could go for Claims, Disputes and Arbitration, for details
refer▬►Sub-Clause 3.5 Determinations, ▬►Sub-Clause 20: Claims, Disputes and Arbitration,
refer▬►Example case of Sunkoshi Bridge value engineering case at the time of design modification
[short note: design modification was agreed by the Employer with the Contractor’s offer of (a) nullifying all claims up to that time,(b) CPA was frozen to end of Dec. 2012 (c) bridge to be completed by end of June, 2014. These three items were the trade-off]
3.5 Determinations
Whenever these Conditions provide that the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with this Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine any matter, the Engineer shall consult with each Party in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement is not achieved, the Engineer shall make a fair determination in accordance with the Contract, taking due regard of all relevant circumstances.
The Engineer shall give notice to both Parties of each agreement or determination, with supporting particulars, within 28 days from the receipt of the corresponding claim or request except when otherwise specified. Each Party shall give effect to each agreement or determination unless and until revised under Clause 20 [ Claims, Disputes and Arbitration ].
20.0 Claims, Disputes and Arbitration
20.1 Contractor’s Claims
If the Contractor considers himself to be entitled to any extension of the Time for Completion and/or any additional payment, under any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise in connection with the Contract, the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer, describing the event or circumstance giving rise to the claim. The notice shall be given as soon as practicable, and not later than 28 days after the Contractor became aware, or should have become aware, of the event or circumstance.
If the Contractor fails to give notice of a claim within such period of 28 days, the Time for Completion shall not be extended, the Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment, and the Employer shall be discharged from all liability in connection with the claim. Otherwise, the following provisions of this Sub-Clause shall apply.
The Contractor shall also submit any other notices which are required by the Contract, and supporting particulars for the claim, all as relevant to such event or circumstance. The Contractor shall keep such contemporary records as may be necessary to substantiate any claim, either on the Site or at another location acceptable to the Engineer. Without admitting the Employer’s liability, the Engineer may, after receiving any notice under this Sub-Clause, monitor the record-keeping and/or instruct the Contractor to keep further contemporary records. The Contractor shall permit the Engineer to inspect all these records, and shall (if instructed) submit copies to the Engineer.
Within 42 days after the Contractor became aware (or should have become aware) of the event or circumstance giving rise to the claim, or within such other period as may be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall send to the Engineer a fully detailed claim which includes full supporting particulars of © FIDIC 2006. MDB Harmonised Conditions of Contract for Construction March 2006 - General Conditions. For participating development bank financed contract use only. No reproduction of this document is permitted. the basis of the claim and of the extension of time and/or additional payment claimed. If the event or circumstance giving rise to the claim has a continuing effect:
20.2 Appointment of the Dispute Board
Disputes shall be referred to a DB for decision in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4[ Obtaining Dispute Board’s Decision ]. The Parties shall appoint a DB by the date stated in the Contract Data. The DB shall comprise, as stated in the Contract Data, either one or three suitably qualified persons (“the members”), each of whom shall be fluent in the language for communication defined in the Contract and shall be a professional experienced in the type of construction involved in the Works and with the interpretation of contractual documents. If the number is not so stated and the Parties do not agree otherwise, the DB shall comprise three persons.
If the Parties have not jointly appointed the DB 21 days before the date stated in the Contract Data and the DB is to comprise three persons, each Party shall nominate one member for the approval of the other Party. The first two members shall recommend 66 © FIDIC 2006. MDB Harmonised Conditions of Contract for Construction March 2006 - General Conditions. For participating development bank financed contract use only. No reproduction of this document is permitted. and the Parties shall agree upon the third member, who shall act as chairman. However, if a list of potential members has been agreed by the Parties and is included in the Contract, the members shall be selected from those on the list, other than anyone who is unable or unwilling to accept appointment to the DB.
The agreement between the Parties and either the sole member or each of the three members shall incorporate by reference the General Conditions of Dispute Board Agreement contained in the Appendix to these General Conditions, with such amendments as are agreed between them.
The terms of the remuneration of either the sole member or each of the three members, including the remuneration of any expert whom the DB consults, shall be mutually agreed upon by the Parties when agreeing the terms of appointment. Each Party shall be responsible for paying one-half of this remuneration. If at any time the Parties so agree, they may jointly refer a matter to the DB for it to give its opinion. Neither Party shall consult the DB on any matter without the agreement of the other Party.
If a member declines to act or is unable to act as a result of death, disability, resignation or termination of appointment, a replacement shall be appointed in the same manner as the replaced person was required to have been nominated or agreed upon, as described in this Sub-Clause.
The appointment of any member may be terminated by mutual agreement of both Parties, but not by the Employer or the Contractor acting alone. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the appointment of the DB (including each member) shall expire when the discharge referred to in Sub-Clause 14.12 [ Discharge ] shall have become effective.
20.3 Failure to Agree on the Composition of the Dispute Board
20.4 Obtaining Dispute Board’s Decision
If a dispute (of any kind whatsoever) arises between the Parties in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the Works, including any dispute as to © FIDIC 2006. MDB Harmonised Conditions of Contract for Construction March 2006 - General Conditions. For participating development bank financed contract use only. No reproduction of this document is permitted. any certificate, determination, instruction, opinion or valuation of the Engineer, either Party may refer the dispute in writing to the DB for its decision, with copies to the other Party and the Engineer. Such reference shall state that it is given under this Sub-Clause.
For a DB of three persons, the DB shall be deemed to have received such reference on the date when it is received by the chairman of the DB.
Both Parties shall promptly make available to the DB all such additional information, further access to the Site, and appropriate facilities, as the DB may require for the purposes of making a decision on such dispute. The DB shall be deemed to be not acting as arbitrator(s).
Within 84 days after receiving such reference, or within such other period as may be proposed by the DB and approved by both Parties, the DB shall give its decision, which shall be reasoned and shall state that it is given under this Sub-Clause. The decision shall be binding on both Parties, who shall promptly give effect to it unless and until it shall be revised in an amicable settlement or an arbitral award as described below.
Unless the Contract has already been abandoned, repudiated or terminated, the Contractor shall continue to proceed with the Works in accordance with the Contract. If either Party is dissatisfied with the DB’s decision, then either Party may, within 28 days after receiving the decision, give notice to the other Party of its dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration. If the DB fails to give its decision within the period of 84 days (or as otherwise approved) after receiving such reference, then either Party may, within 28 days after this period has expired, give notice to the other Party of its dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration.
In either event, this notice of dissatisfaction shall state that it is given under this Sub-Clause, and shall set out the matter in dispute and the reason(s) for dissatisfaction. Except as stated in Sub-Clause 20.7 [ Failure to Comply with Dispute Board’s Decision ] and Sub-Clause 20.8 [ Expiry of Dispute Board’s Appointment ], neither Party shall be entitled to commence arbitration of a dispute unless a notice of dissatisfaction has been given in accordance with this Sub-Clause. If the DB has given its decision as to a matter in dispute to both Parties, and no notice of dissatisfaction has been given by either Party within 28 days after it received the DB’s decision, then the decision shall become final and binding upon both Parties.
20.5 Amicable Settlement
Where notice of dissatisfaction has been given under Sub-Clause 20.4 above, both Parties shall attempt to settle the dispute amicably before the commencement of arbitration. However, unless both Parties agree otherwise, arbitration may be commenced on or after the fifty-sixth day after the day on which a notice of dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration was given, even if no attempt at amicable settlement has been made.
20.6 Arbitration
Unless indicated otherwise in the Particular Conditions, any dispute not settled amicably and in respect of which the DB’s decision (if any) has not become final and binding shall be finally settled by arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties:
20.7 Failure to Comply with Dispute Board’s Decision
other Party may, without prejudice to any other rights it may have, refer the failure itself to arbitration under Sub-Clause 20.6 [ Arbitration ]. Sub-Clause 20.4 [ Obtaining Dispute Board’s Decision ] and Sub-Clause 20.5 [ Amicable Settlement ] shall not apply to this reference.
20.8 Expiry of Dispute Board’s Appointment
a dispute arises between the Parties in connection with, or arising out of, theContract or the execution of the Works and there is no DB in place, whether by reason of the expiry of the DB’s appointment or otherwise:
© FIDIC 2006. MDB Harmonised Conditions of Contract for Construction March 2006 - General Conditions. For participating development bank financed contract use only. No reproduction of this document is permitted.