Step 4: Approval

DoR proceeds to obtain due approval of the Government through MoPPWTM to other concerned authorities including NPC, MoF, etc.After the Government’s endorsement, it will be considered as a short to medium term commitment of the Government. The list is also called a short list

Refer ▬►PWD Part II Procedural Directives, Volume A General Procedures,Chapter1, Project Identification Pages 1-3,Sub-heading 1.3.3.


Following the Government’s endorsement of the Multi-year Sector Program, a 5 Year Investment Plan could be developed. Once the Five Year Plan is endorsed by the Government, BP / DoR can determine those bridge projects best procured by a Design and Build process and those bridges whose detailed engineering design, cost estimate, social and environmental studies should be procured through consulting services. Once these two lists are prepared, BP can proceed with completion of design, cost estimate, RAP, SAP, and EMAP for the bridges selected for procurement in this manner.


BP/DoR should complete the above activities before preparation of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework for project implementation.It is also suggested that once the MTEF is approved in principle by the DoR that BP should procure civil works for the bridges which are prioritised, a full fiscal year ahead of the fiscal year in which construction is to start. BP should also complete land acquisition and resolve other resettlement issues to the maximum possible extent before implementation of the works for those bridges See Introduction: Guideline to use Bridge Toolkit -> Flow Chart.