Step 6: Budget Requests to NPC/MoF

DoR derives budget needs for the road sub-sector, including bridges, based on multi-year sector programs and on the last three years budget expenditureon the road sub-sector.DoRprepares a future three-year expenditure rolling program taking into consideration the bridges which are in the Five Year Investment Plan. The overall program includes detailed programs for three consecutive years starting with the detailed annual program for year one. The program shall include the budget required for two headings: Recurrent Budget and Capital Budget. The Capital Budget includes the budget required for (a) on-going projects, (b) new construction projects, (c) major maintenance (d) minor maintenance and (e) project preparation (including feasibility study, designs and cost estimation). The three-year expenditure rolling plan needs to be updated annually to match the current needs.

DoR, after departmental review and reconciliation with the Planning Branch and taking consideration of the budget ceiling established by the Budget Resource Committee, shall submit the annual development budget requirement in the form of MTEF to the MoPPWTM. MoPPWTM shall review and reconcile with the DoR, and request the annual development budget required from the NPC/MoF

Refer▬►PWD Part I Organizational Directives, Volume A,Chapter 2, Sub-chapter 2.4.5 Roles and Responsibilities-Planning Stage Page 2-3.