Step 8: Annual Program for different Activities

Step 8: Annual Program for different Activities

Once the Red Book is published and MoPPWTM receives the authorization letter from the MoF, the BP, RDs and DROs re-adjust (if required) the annual program previously proposed for on-going projects and new bridge construction to match theallocated budget in the Red Book and forward the annual programs to the ministry after departmental endorsement for approval and allocation of budget. An approved copy of the annual program of P1 projects will be sent to MoF and NPC for their endorsement. After this is received the MoPPWTMSecretary delegatesBudget Authorization in a letter to the DG DoR, who further delegates it to the respective divisions/ project chiefs refer▬►PWD Part I Organizational Directives, Volume A,Chapter 2, Sub-chapter 2.4.6 Roles and Responsibilities-Planning StagePage 2-4.