Step 11: Proposed Implementation Modalities
Analysis shall be carried out to determine whether the proposed project can best be managed by the Divisions/Bridge project or by engaging consultants, for detail guidelines
Step 11. Proposed Implementation Modalities
Implementation modalities include identification of the executing and implementing agencies, ormulation of the project management organisation and the powers and responsibilities elegated to each.
The role of the implementing agency shall be procurement and implementation of civil work ontracts, procurement of equipment, appointment and management of consultants and isbursement of loan proceeds. It shall be responsible for day-to-day management of project mplementation in conformance with prevailing HMG/N regulations, and the donor guidelines if pplicable. It shall liase with other government departments and local bodies in order to
expedite activities and decisions affecting project implementation.
The following guidelines shall apply while forming the project organisation:
- An assessment shall be made whether the project can be managed by the regular units in the implementing agency or whether a special project unit is needed.
- If institutional strengthening is deemed necessary, the project may include a coordination committee, and staff for institutional strengthening during project implementation.
- An inter-ministerial coordination committee may be needed to expedite decisions in projects which affect several sectors.
- The roles and responsibilities of each committee and project office shall be clearly defined.
- If other agencies such as local bodies, users’ committees and community based organisations are also involved, their specific roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined.
- The required reporting structure and format at each management level shall be identified.
- The required monitoring and evaluation, including donor appraisals and other reports shall be identified.
- The implementation modalities will include the following:
- Guidelines to be followed
- Method of procurement of consultant
- Method of procurement of goods and works
- Standard conditions of contract
- Particular conditions of contract
- Any other relaxation or concessions applicable to procurement of works and goods.
- The necessary powers to be delegated to the Employer’s and Engineer’s representatives for efficient day-to-day management of their works shall be identified.
Further guidelines are provided in Part I Chapter 5 Project Organisation.