Step 7: Compensation Determination Committee (CDC) and Valuation of Land and Physical Assets

After finalization and approval of the list by the survey office, this list and entitlement matrix, shall have to be endorsed by the CDC. The Land Acquisition Act (1977) specifies the procedures for land acquisition and compensation. There is a provision for a Compensation Determination Committee (CDC)[1] under the chairmanship of Chief District Officer who shall fix the rate of compensation for the affected properties. Refer▬►Land Acquisition Act, section 13 -2&3), ▬►ESMF Ch 7

[1] The Land Acquisition Act, 2034 (1977), article no 13, provides for the establishment of Compensation Determination Committee (CDC). As peer the provision of this act, Chief District Officer (CDO) as a chairman of the CDC. The district land revenue officer a representative of the DDC is member of CDC and the PIC as a member secretary. CDC under the Land Acquisition Act, (1977) plays a major role in deciding rates of compensation in the sub project.