Step 9: Formulation of Grievance Redress Committee (GRC)

The project affected persons have formal recourse to the CDC and Ministry of Home Affairs in case of grievance under regulations specified under the Land Acquisition Act 2034. Keeping this in mind; each project (Bridge) a grievance redress mechanism will be established with the aim to allow project affected persons (PAPs) to appeal any disagreeable decisions, practices and activities arising compensation for land and assets, and technical and general project-related disputes. As specified in ESMF the PAPs will be made fully aware of their rights and the procedures for doing so verbally and in writing during compensation, survey, and time of compensation.
Box: 1 Stage of Grievance Mechanism

Stage 1: Complaints of PAPs on any aspect of compensation, relocation, or unaddressed losses will be settled in first instance verbally or in written form in field based project office. The concerned personnel to settle the issues at local level can discuss the complaint in an informal meeting with the PAP. The community consultation, involvement of social and resettlement experts will be helpful in this regard. It will be the responsibility of the LCF and Project In-charge to resolve the issue within 15 days from the date of the complaint received.

Stage 2: If no understanding or amicable solution reached or no response from the project office, the PAP can appeal to the CDC. While lodging the complaint, the PAP must produce documents to support his/her claim. The CDC will provide the decision within 15 days of registering the appeal.

Stage 3: If the PAP is not satisfied with the decision of CDC or in absence of any response of its representatives, within 35 days of the complaint, the PAP, in his/her last resort, may submit its case to the court.

Refer▬►Land Acquisition Act, section 11 sub-sections 1, 2 and 3, ▬► ESMF Ch 7